2019.09~2024.05 同济大学 载运工具运用工程,获工学博士学位
2016.09~2019.07 重庆交通大学 车辆工程,获工学硕士学位
2012.09~2016.07 洛阳理工学院 车辆工程,获工学学士学位
[1] 上海市自然科学基金项目:考虑结构声和空气声传播路径的隧道内地铁车内宽频噪声预测和控制,项目号ZR1460700,2020.7-2023.6,结题,主研。
[2] 中央高校基本科研项目(985高校专项):轨道衰减率和轮轨粗糙度对轮轨噪声的影响特性和限值研究,2018.9-2019.8,结题,主研。
[3] 横向项目:天津地铁轨道结构振动噪声治理与技术措施研究,津20211271,2020.1-2021.12,结题,主研。
[1] Zhang Y, Li L*. Spatial gust impact analysis on safety and comfort of a train crossing cable-stayed bridge combining statistical method[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2022, 29: 2605-2620. (SCI检索, JCR Q1, 中科院大类二区, A2级)
[2] Zhang Y, Li L*, Lei Z, et al. Environmental noise beside an elevated box girder bridge for urban rail transit[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A (Applied Physics & Engineering), 2021, 22(1): 53-69. (SCI检索, JCR Q1, 中科院大类三区, A3级)
[3] 张云飞, 李莉*, 雷震宇, 等. 阵风下高速列车-独塔斜拉桥耦合振动分析[J]. 中国公路学报, 2021, 34(4): 128-139. (EI检索, 梯队期刊, A3级, 获2022年度铁路重大科技创新成果(铁路科技论文)奖)
[4] Zhang Y*, Li L, Li HX. Interior noise prediction of metro train in a tunnel caused by wheel/rail rolling[J]. Acoustics Australia. 2024, 3: 1-13. (SCI检索, JCR Q2, 中科院大类四区, B2级)
[5] Zhang Y, Li L*, Zhu Q. Structure-borne noise differences of metro vehicle running on different tracks[J]. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering. 2023, 7: 1-11. (SCI检索, JCR Q3, 中科院大类四区, B2级)
[6] Zhang Y*, Li L, Bu Z, et al. Low-frequency noise inside metro: Contribution analysis and noise control treatment[J]. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2023, 36(6): 2821-2830. (SCI检索, JCR Q3, 中科院大类四区, B2级)
[7] Zhang Y, Li L*. Crosswind stability of metro train on a high-pier viaduct under spatial gust environment in mountain city[J]. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2021, 25(12): 4661-4670. (SCI检索, JCR Q3, 中科院大类四区, B2级)
[8] Zhang Y, Li J, Chen ZW, et al. Running safety of metro train over a high-pier bridge subjected to fluctuating crosswind in mountain city[J]. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2020, 76(2): 207-222. (SCI检索, JCR Q2, 中科院大类四区, B2级)
[9] Zhang Y, Li J, Chen ZW, et al. Dynamic analysis of metro vehicle traveling on a high-pier viaduct under crosswind in mountain city[J]. Wind & Structures, 2019, 29(5): 299-312. (SCI检索, JCR Q3, 中科院大类四区, B2级)
[10] Zhang Y, Li L*, Li HX. A statistical energy analysis model of a metro train running in tunnels for prediction of the internal acoustic noise[C]. International Workshop on Railway Noise 2022, 36. (EI检索+口头汇报)
[11] Zhang Y, Li L*, Chen ZW. Influence of fluctuating gust on metro train-bridge system with high piers[C]. International Conference on Rail Transportation 2021 (ICRT2021), 2021: 111-119. (EI检索+口头汇报)
[12] 同济大学(张云飞, 李莉). 轮/轨滚动垂向辐射噪声计算软件[S]. 软著登字第11650693号, 2023.9. (软件著作权, 已授权)
《Acoustics Australia》、《Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology》及《KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering》等期刊审稿人